Mr. Bobbys World: stand up for your lives and speak out. act do not sit down and let others own you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

stand up for your lives and speak out. act do not sit down and let others own you.

found this on facebook and completely agree with this. i had to spread it to others.

In my opinion, September 11th 2001 was used as a declaration of war. Not from America to the terrorists like we were led to believe... but was instead a declaration of war from the manipulators of this world (the rich, the 1%) onto the people. Ever since September 11th, The Patriot Act and countless other forms of legislation have been snuck under our noses to take away all of our freedoms. Since that date, our government has used Fox News and other News to fear monger our confusion to manipulate us to hate the wrong people and to see the wrong enemy. Ever since that day, all us Americans have been is the nameless, the bitches. The pussies that they shove left right up down they bend us over like we aren't even human and try and convince us we are less. And now this is more than real. They are taking the final steps to take away the last of the freedoms they have. They have detainment camps built for our fight back. The CIA, FBI FEMA and big banks and corporations who CONTROL of them are aggressively assaulting us at this point and brushing it under the rug with the media... 15-25 Occupy shutdowns in two weeks. This is war. We are at war for our freedoms RIGHT now. DO NOT look the other way. Please.. be aware at the least. and at the most... start fucking voting and calling your representatives before they pass these bills that will be the END of america as you have known it your entire life.

-The Media's Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful

Read more:

- JFK about 9/11 and the emergence of a New World Order

- 9/11 Revisited: Were explosives used? - Hollywood Response

Female arrested forcibly strip searched nude by ohio male cops

"why do you think the government is trying to take away our ability to find our own truths. to critically attack a question and not simply accept what is presented to us. once we loose our freedoms on the internet that is when truly we are all slaves to this government. we become labrats not humans. " ~ Mr. Bobby

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